Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I think Im working

Im using this blogger more as a point of "Ive written it down so I have to do it now" for all my projects and goals that I want to do. So if I can actually log back into this tonight (I dont really know how to haha) I will list some of my goals off before I get to go to the Barional meeting - hooray they are so much fun (better then Jerry Springer)


GB said...

So...What's the goss from Innilgard??? What are your projects/goals?
Hey! I'm the first to comment! Yay me!

Mz. B.Trousers said...

Oh, this is why I started a blog - I've got to say, 6mths on, it don't work! I haven't done half the things I said I would!!
