Sunday, January 28, 2007

Quick update

Hello world!

Just a quick not to ask everyone to please cross their fingers for me as I have an interview tomorrow with chandler mcleod. Its only a reference check and get to know me before they are able to send my resume through to bhp for a job at the core farm. This job is not the most pleasant but should be a good challenge and a way in. I cannot believe I have finally got chandlers attention (to tell you the truth I think the receptionist is sick of me harassing her). So hopefully with all things panning out I should have two interviews this week one with a trucking company to drive to Port Augusta and back each day (about a ten hour day) and this one with chandler. I have left a note again with Boarts as they havent got back yet (slackers) so hopefully I have sacrificed enough goats to please everyone.

I have been doing some chain mailing which has been suprising me as I have been enjoying the bending and cutting of wire way too much haha.

Well I am off home now to do some organising of material (will bring the badly cut pants babs for you to check out but I personally think they are really wrong)

Love Bronwyn


GB said...

*fingers crossed* How did the interview go?

Fiora said...

Ï give your fingers such a workout jane doe!! Thanks for the finger crossing!

The lady that interviewed me said that I interviewed really well. I was completly unprepared for the interview we had ie name 3 of your best qualities, how do you improve safety blah blah.....I managed to answer with what I thought I was happy with and then on the way home I thought of all these other answers I could of used and then kicked myself for it.....oh well.

The job with BSH I got a response from today and they said that they would be covering the upcoming jobs with current employees until they got the job up and running but to "keep in touch" arrgh so that normally means they were drunker than I thought and cos I have big boobs they were offering me the world. Oh well I should hear from Chandler on Friday (if not I am going to harass them) but I should be able to get the job with smiths as a yardswoman no matter what as long as the other guy leaves (I really like this guy so its a bit of a catch 22) haha.

Its all about positive chanting at the moment and thats what I keep doing to make it all better!!

Love Bronwyn