Thursday, June 22, 2006

Id like to take 3 days annual leave from reality please

Ive decided I would like three days away from reality.....Monday I was screaming for it, Wednesday I would have sold my grandmother for it, now it is Friday I am feeling a quiet sense of fulfilment but a holiday would still be nice haha.

Yesterday we had our first day of double income again - hooray!! I went around and paid all our bills, rent etc and also set up weekly credit card payments so I dont have to worry about it all anymore so we should be looking to start being debt free in 40 weeks (fingers crossed!!!).

So as of Friday I have still not achieved any sewing - TYPICAL!! This Sunday morning if I am not truck driving Peddles and I will have some forced "at home time" so hopefully I should have my blue dress hemmed. I HAVE to go to Port Adelaide Spotlight to get some black and white checky drill for my heraldic dress and tableclothes or else!! So if those two things get done, I will feel as though I have achieved something (small things small minds haha)

Anyway better get back to pretending that I am working haha!!

Love Fiora


Hunydd said...

You only want 3 days leave from reality? I should have 3 decades worth of long service leave owing.....

Oh, and why are you a marshmallow?

Fiora said...


I first off chose the name because it is something people wouldnt really search for if trying to find me through blogger but my mum has always told me I am made of marshmellow because as a child if I was cranky or angry mum would say "you are not cranky cos you are filled with pink marshmellow" and then proceed to tickle me. And as you could imagine the thought of being filled with PINK marshmellow used to crack me up. Just between you me and the world Mum still says that I am full of marshmellow when I am trying to crack the shits hehe. So that is the embarassing reason why hehe

GB said...

Hey, you ever going to write in this thing?
Update dammit!!! :D

emy said...

So that is the embarassing reason why